I will wait for you as long as it takes. I will love you every moment across time.

Lindsay & Liam, Healing Manor, June 2022.

The 3rd & final wedding of the Jubilee weekend… And WHAT A WEDDING IT WAS!
3 years in waiting for the newlyweds & as you can see from the pictures, it was certainly worth the wait!
I had been looking forward to this one for a long while, having had the opportunity to photograph a couple of events that Lindsay & Liam had been at in the past & knowing a fair few of their wedding guests, I knew it would be a lively one – which suits me down the ground & made the 13 1/2hr photography shift worth every second!
Topped off by the special guest appearance of their beloved Labrador, Stanley, who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting on a previous shoot before also!
A huge congratulations to the newlyweds, Mr & Mrs Blades!

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