Love has nothing to do with what you are expect to get, only with what you are expecting to give, which is everything.

Sophie & Blake, Elsham Hall, July 2022.

An amazing day & night celebrating Sophie & Blake’s special day…

This wedding had it all, from the lively bridesmaid party upon arrival, including Nala the dog, to the Irish ceremony, conducted by Blake’s Grandad’s sister, who flew over from Ireland especially – featuring the traditional ‘jumping of the broom’, then the magic provided for keeping the guests entertained after the ceremony, until the Singing Waiters started the party after dinner was served!

Not forgetting the food served up by everyone’s favourite providers The Greek Shack!

The bride & groom’s request to me was to capture natural moments, as they weren’t keen on the idea of posed photographs which as a documentary style photographer is something that I pride myself on – and as you might be able to tell by the overshare of photo’s from their day, there was plenty going on to capture!

I did manage to persuade bride & groom to join me (in between rain showers) for 20minutes of photographs of just the two of them to sample some of the stunning grounds that Elsham Hall has to offer…

All in all, a fantastic day from start to finish… Congratulations to the newlyweds, Mr & Mrs Keogh!

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